Monday, September 10, 2012

Jamie Campbell Bower getting shit from haters

As a premise of this post, I kinda knew a pretty big group of people didn't like the fact that Jamie was chosen as Jace.
I knew that, everybody knew that, and that was it.
Or so I thought. Now I get to know that a lot of this people have actually been sending messages or whatever to Jamie telling him how wrong he is for the role. What the fuck, people?
This is a post a fan wrote on tumblr:

This actually happened to me today at the Writers premiere at TIFF

me: omg i’m so excited to see you in city of bones ! you’re the perfect jace!

jcb: thanks. that means so much after all the shit i’ve been getting.

So now the whole fanbase of TMI (well, at lease those who agree with Jamie taking Jace's role) have been tweeting nonstop for about two hours so far. We're tweeting "#JamieISJace", to let Jamie know that while there's people who're hating on him, there's also a really huge fanbase who's looking forward to seeing him in the movie.
I don't get why people has to be so mean. He was chosen for that role, and he must be pretty excited. I get that maybe he's not the Jace you'd pictured in your mind, but what's done is done, dude. Why do you have to ruin it for him? I wouldn't like to be the "deal with it" girl, but there's nothing they can do about these roles so they might as well accept them.
Ten minutes ago we succeeded in making #JamieISJace trend worldwide, though now it's disappeared again. Here's the screen I took ---->
Even Cassandra Clare is helping us out. She tweeted what an awesome fanbase this is, and keeps retweeting our tweets to Jamie. She also said that in case we got it trending and Jamie didn't see it, she'd snap a screen and show it to him herself.
What more can I say? I sincerely hope the hate's gonna stop or at least dissipate.
I am sorry for what Jamie and many other stars have to go through everyday, I wish haters would just stop doing this.

If you can, please go on twitter and start tweeting. Help out.


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